Wednesday, September 05, 2012

......... 'Special'

What makes us 'special'?

Is it our selfishness, our self-absorbed, mentally lazy non-critical sleepwalking zombie approach to life? Is it our capacity for sculpted selective empathy-on-demand - as long as the subject we empathize with falls within specific parameters and of US?

What makes US so 'special'?

We watch as our tax dollars pay for illegal wars, assassinations, drug running, money laundering, illegal invasion and occupation, theft of land and resources in other nations, the Israeli government's ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, we watch as our tax dollars are used to further racial segregation, torture, arrest and detainment, brutality, home demolitions, apartheid, and genocide.

We watch as our tax dollars are used to wipe out innocent men, women, and children in foreign lands that have raised no hand against us.

What is so 'special' about us? ....