Tuesday, August 06, 2013

The Russian Government is Defeating the NSA With This Outdated Technology Called The Typewriter

The truth is the hyper technology of today can be defeated by low tech tools. One way to defeat the NSA we can do in the states is put down Iphones, Blackberries and Androids and talk to face to face looking each other in the eye. The NSA can not intercept human interaction when they are not using technology. The Russian people had a special code of communication using Fax machines and other means outside the spy grid that help bring down the Soviet Union.

Now the Russian government is now going back to typewriters to keep the NSA out of the internal functions of the Russian government. Many Russian agencies are considering going back to typewriters and paid for couriers to communicate memos to keep the government going. There is nothing wrong with the Russian government going back to typewriters to keep the NSA out of knowing the internal affairs of the country is a great idea. The NSA cannot intercept a typewriter which is a beautiful thing .... http://www.thelonestarwatchdog.com