Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Stupid teen playing 'knockout' game shot twice by concealed carry holder

If you've been paying attention to the news lately, you might have heard something about a violent "game" being played by mostly inner-city youths called the "Knockout Game."

Here's how it works: As a group of teens pass by someone who is most often walking alone, one of the teens takes a swing at the person with the goal of knocking them out with one punch.

The game is being played all around the country, but it seems to have had its roots either in New Jersey or somewhere else along the eastern seaboard. Lots of people have been attacked; some have even died as a result of the game, which also is called the "one-hitter quitter."

But it was just a matter of time before one of these little punks ran into more than they could handle .... http://www.naturalnews.com