Sunday, February 22, 2015

Poroshenko’s Army is Too Weak to Control Eastern Ukraine – German Media

The German magazine “Focus” described three possible scenarios for further development of the events in Ukraine.

Poroshenko’s army has little chance to control eastern Ukraine as it is too weak to rebuff militias’ attacks, the German magazine “Focus” reported.

The magazine suggests three scenarios for further developments of the situation in Ukraine.

1. Ukraine's President Poroshenko imposes martial law in Ukraine and declares a state of emergency. This leads to the limitation of citizens’ rights and possible expropriations to gain money for the country’s defense. The conflict would escalate with renewed force.

However, this scenario is considered highly unlikely as Ukraine has old weapons and is weaker than independence supporters from the military point of view. The country is also suffering from severe economic recession and needs a respite to solve its domestic problems ....