Monday, February 06, 2012

FLASHBACK 2002: Urgent, Democrats Warn Snow Levels Mean We Must Act Now!

Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) 2002: "Look at the kind of winter we have had. One snow, three inches...I don't need a scientist to tell me the differences in the winter and we had better do something about it."

Sen. Barbara Boxer(D-CA) 2007: "30-70% of the snowpack will disappear... recreation industry is already hurting....we've seen the melting snow and changes in the seasons."

Sen. Amy Klobachur (D-MN) 2008: "I've heard it from the head of our snowmobile association...decreasing snow levels."

Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA) 2005: "Having no snow is consistent with what the models predict will become a significant problem for us in the future."