Thursday, November 01, 2012

Drive-thru Flu Vaccines Being Administered for 'Emergency Response' Purposes

In the shadow of Halloween, local health departments all across the country are holding creepy new drive-thru flu shot clinics this year as part of a nationwide "emergency preparedness drill" to see how quickly and efficiently large numbers of people can be vaccinated. According to numerous local reports, individuals are being encouraged to bring their family and friends along for the ride as they roll down their windows to get the free jabs, while officials monitor and track how rapidly the public can be processed through these various vaccine lines.

The ominous initiative, which some reports are openly describing as a test run for future forced vaccinations of large numbers of people, is taking place in Connecticut, Alabama, Georgia, California, Kansas, Virginia, Arizona, and many other states. And in some locations, administrators will actually be onsite timing with a stopwatch the rate at which vaccine providers are able to process people through the vaccine lines, all for the purpose of assessing whether or not such a feat might be possible on a much larger scale ....