Monday, October 21, 2013

US agency on spiralling T&T crime: Gangs Stronger Than Government

A major think tank based in Washington, DC, believes gangs are the “new war” in T&T, a report on Caribbean 360 said yesterday. It added that recent incidents of intense violence in the country have also drawn international attention to the “rampant gang problem” in the country.

Caribbean 360 said a report by the Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA) yesterday noted that regardless of size, all forms of gangs in T&T were more pervasive than those to be found in developed nations and have now become societal institutions that go beyond social purposes, “and are coming to resemble governments in and of themselves.” ....


Gangs in the United States

Gangs in the United States include several types of groups, including national street gangs, local street gangs, prison gangs, motorcycle gangs, and ethnic and organized crime gangs. 

Approximately 1.4 million people were part of gangs as of 2011, and more than 33,000 gangs were active in the United States.

List of gangs in the United States ....