Saturday, November 23, 2013

Morrissey attacks ‘airhead’ Kate Middleton and calls ‘thickwit’ sister Pippa ‘sick face of modern Britain’

Pop star Morrissey has unleashed an amazing rant at the Duchess of Cambridge branding her an “airhead”.

And he also gives both barrels to her hunting-loving sister Pippa calling her a “thickwit” as well as attacking PM David Cameron.

The ex-Smiths frontman, 54, also gets the Queen, Princes Harry and William in his sights and takes a pop at Princess Anne for championing the eating of horsemeat.

In a near 2,000-word blog entitled The World Won’t Listen – a reference to a Smiths album – he attacks US TV presenter Melissa Bachman for posing over the carcass of a shot lion ....