Wednesday, October 29, 2014

US ‘Journalist’ Robert Caruso to Syrian People: ‘I enjoy seeing Syria torn apart by violence’

The statements come after a Twitter fight erupted between himself and Mimi al-Laham, (aka SyrianGirl), a Syrian activist and geopolitical analyst who has been critical of the role the West has played in funding, directing, arming, and controlling terrorists for the purposes of destroying the secular government of Bashar al-Assad.

Normally, the social media ravings of a hack journalist that writes for discredited media outlets would not draw attention. But Caruso’s statements, befitting of a bloodthirsty warmonger, should be seen as illuminating of the general mode of thought that pervades mainstream outlets in regards to foreign wars and imperialism.

While generally hiding under the guise of a desire to “protect civilians” and “spread democracy,” the true aims are the destruction of a secular government, displacement of a people, and the expansion of empire across the globe ....