Friday, March 06, 2015

Tokyo boss arrested for allegedly assaulting employee with a stun gun for being late

We’ve all had bosses we didn’t like for one reason or another. Maybe their breath smelled as if they’d never even heard of a toothbrush or maybe they were too demanding. Or, heck, we bet some of you have had bosses who were just plain jerks. But no matter how much you might hate your boss, you’ll probably feel a bit better towards him or her after reading about this 28-year-old who was viciously assaulted by his boss after arriving late to work.

We don’t imagine that Yuji Serigano, the 29-year-old president of a real estate consulting company, woke up intending to assault his only employee on February 6. But that’s what ended up happening when the unnamed employee, a 28-year-old man, showed up about an hour and a half late to work ....