Monday, May 25, 2015

Fox network launching new TV series that glorifies Lucifer; marketed with pro-Satan tweets

A trailer for the show portrays Lucifer as a handsome, British-accented, well-to-do ladykiller full of charm and wit.

Described as the wisest creature that God ever created, Lucifer is said to be "full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty" -- that is, before he was cut down and destroyed by his Creator for elevating himself in place of God. Isaiah 14:12 of the Holy Bible describes Lucifer as having "fallen from heaven" due to his sin, only to henceforth become what John 8:44 describes as the "father of lies."

It's only fitting, then, that this modern-day show produced by satanists would portray Lucifer as a type of benevolent god, since this was always his goal -- to take the place of the real God. Whether you believe what the Bible says or not, this is the clear-as-day implication of this upcoming show that will soon be watched by presumably millions of people ....