Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Obese Teenage Americans are Stupid, says New Study Endorsed by Big Pharma

As population reduction, in all its covert forms, begins to litter the landscape of mainstream media, overweight teenagers are being classified as having lower IQ simply because of their size, according to a new study. This blanket determination called the “metabolic syndrome” suggests that obesity in children is linked to their brain function and cognitive capacity.

Simply put: fat kids are stupid.

The study asserts that MRI scans revealed that differences in the brain structure among overweight children are significant when compared to other children. Dr. Antonio Convit, lead author, correlated his findings with other psychiatrists, as well as worked in conjunction with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to concoct a proactive diagnosis that could label children with metabolic syndrome under five “warning signs” .... http://www.activistpost.com