Thursday, October 10, 2013

Key creditor China begins acting to hedge against US default

Hong Kong has sent the first sign from Asia that the region is creating extra financial buffers against a possible default in the US. China said some US short – term Treasury bonds appear to be more risky to hold as collateral than previously thought.

The clock is ticking for the US to make a decision on its spending bill and the massive $16.7 trillion debt. 

The country’s key foreign lender China has shifted from words to actions and said it has taken two steps to reflect the increased difficulty of valuing certain short-term US Treasuries, the Financial Times reports.

One of the steps includes a so-called “haircut”, or a discount, on the value of US Treasuries held as collateral against futures trades.

The interest rate for bonds held with maturity of less than one year would be raised to 3 percent from 1 percent ....