Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Organic food shortage hits U.S. stores

Organic food is seemingly no longer just a trend, but a necessity. A recent report by MyFox New York states that all-natural grocers can hardly keep up with the demands for organic food. Bloggers have been capturing signs that read, “Organic eggs are currently in short supply due to increased consumer demand and limited availability. This is an industry-wide shortage and is not specific to ShopRite stores or our operation.” Similar signs are being seen in grocery stores across the nation.

Cage-free, organic eggs and certain types of organic produce are among the products in shortage across the country. Experts are blaming the season as the reason for the shortage, with many Americans making good on their New Year’s resolutions to diet and lose weight. However, others are saying the secrets of large corporate food producers have been exposed, leaving consumers more apt to purchase cleaner, healthier organic foods instead .... http://www.naturalnews.com