Saturday, July 19, 2014

Was Ukraine’s Ministry of Interior behind the Downing of Malaysian Airlines MH17?

A division of Buk missile systems of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was, according to Pravda deployed to the Donetsk Oblast on July 15, two days before the downing of the Malaysian airlines MH17 flight. The Buk missile system has the capabilities of downing an aircraft flying at 35,000 feet.

While the Pravda report remains to be confirmed, Russian Defense sources confirms the presence of several missile batteries in the Donesk oblast operated by the Ukraine armed forces …

… Of significance, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Vitaliy Yarema confirmed that the Donesk rebels do not have Buk or S 300 ground to air missiles which could have downed the plane ....

Ukrainian Army with Surface to Air missiles near Donetsk on July 5th (see 0:50)