Friday, September 04, 2015

Edward Snowden Weighs In on Hillary Clinton’s Email Problem

If anybody knows about how to secure electronic communications, it’s Edward Snowden. So, during an interview with Al Jazeera English set to air on Friday, he gave his thoughts about the security of the private server on which Hillary Clinton allegedly stored emails that were later deemed classified.

“This is a problem because anyone who has the clearances that the secretary of state has, or the director of any top level agency has, knows how classified information should be handled,” Snowden said.

He went on to argue that an “ordinary worker” at the State Department or the CIA “would not only lose their jobs and lose their clearance, they would very likely face prosecution for it” for doing the same thing Clinton did with her emails and called the idea that they were secure “completely ridiculous.”

Snowden may have some reasons to dislike Hillary Clinton, who accused him of giving “all kinds of information” to terrorists during a Q&A session last year ....