When the Tianjin explosion happened right after China's currency devaluation (i.e. currency war), Natural News was told by Chinese dissidents that the United States was engaged in "kinetic retaliation" against China for its cyber warfare attacks and currency moves. Naysayers insisted Tianjin was just a "random event" and wouldn't be repeated.
Then a retaliatory explosion destroyed a U.S. military weapons depot in Tokyo. A sabotage device was found on the scene, all but proving the explosion was deliberate sabotage.
Soon after, another massive explosion ripped through China's Shandong province, followed by a third industrial explosion at the same time Chinese warships were spotted off the coast of Alaska. Suddenly, "coincidence theorists" began to silently slink away, hoping no one would remember how they said the explosions were just random chance and wouldn't continue .... http://www.naturalnews.com