Friday, March 09, 2012

Sabu - The FBI's most valuable hacker

In the nine months since the FBI busted the hacker known as Sabu for his roles with LulzSec and Anonymous, authorities say he worked all hours of the night to help them nab others within the group.
Assistant US Attorney James Pastore told a Manhattan federal court judge that Hector Xavier Monsegur, the 28-year-old hacker behind the Sabu pseudonym, gave authorities his full cooperation since being arrested in June. According to information discussed in court this week, the FBI arrived at Monsegur’s New York City apartment at 10:15 p.m. on June 7, released him after posting bond the next day and then the hacker immediately began offering his services to the feds.

"Since literally the day he was arrested, the defendant has been cooperating with the government proactively," said Pastore. Authorities say that it was that cooperation that helped them identify and locate the five other hackers that were arrested early Monday. Only one other American has been charged so far after the FBI infiltrated Anonymous with the aid of Monsegur — Jeremy Hammond of Chicago .... Read more at