Tuesday, February 07, 2012

They Fear Individualism: The Real Success Behind the Alternative Media

For many decades; the controlled mainstream media had a monopoly on the flow of information. When I was young we had threse networks. ABC,CBS,NBC, PBS and NPR. The news shaped the political agenda for the nation. They had no competition reporting the news for a long time. Now thanks to the internet, now they are faced with real competition. AM radio was dead since the Nixon year with the Fairness Doctrine as a way to silence his critics on talk radio. It was until President Reagan lifted the fairness doctrine. This policy change gave rise to talk radio starting with Rush Limbaugh.

Rush Limbaugh who is a controlled shill for the neo cons. Most of us started out listening to Rush when he first started out until we learned more as time goes went on. He paved the way for patriot talk radio to be in full swing today. Now alternative media is starting to eclipse Rush Limbaugh's audience. Even though Rush was a check valve divert back to thew left. Still he is the controlled opposition with a conservative twist to keep the people inline. He was a springboard bringing forth the alternative media .... Read more at http://lonestarwatchdog.blogspot.com